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Showing posts from February, 2015

Last Night a Choir changed my life.

Field Notes In/On Transition Last Night (Every Night) a Choir changed my life. Seriously, last time I posted in January, I chose the one day that month when I was feeling  up against it, and kind of lost, despite all the positive things I had started doing for myself, and the great support I was getting from my friends. ( Photography by RDM Photography And Art) What I really wanted to post about, was the great community I feel like I have become a part of with my choir that I joined in the fall, and the quiet determination that I was able to muster as my EI was running out with no job prospects on the horizon. Each week going to choir and learning to sing with others has given me focus and the joy of meeting and getting to know so many diverse, yet like minded folks who are in the choir. My choir is The Femme City Choir, and wow, we kick a lot of choral butt. It’s also the most proactive group of folks I have ever been involved with i...