Field Notes In/On Transition. Days Of Wine And... Well, Mostly Wine Maybe my taste buds are changing as well. A while ago, I got a bottle of wine from a customer, for doing up some tax receipts. Many of our customers work in “the Biz” and get to write off all their movie renting/going.... Research. Anyway, they gave me a bottle of vino. A “Garnacha” (“Castillo” something, the bottle is already in recycling) grape, which I hadn’t tried before, as far as I know. I’m no wine drinker generally, but I liked the brief refreshing after taste, of it, so when I ran out after four or five days (I had one or two glasses a night) I got another, not the same brand but the same grape, the pronunciation of which I mangled so badly, the guy at the wine store took awhile to figure out what the hell I was I was talking about. It has also lasted 4 or 5 nights. A six pack of my usual beer would not have lasted so long. I have been really enjoying having a glass with dinner and mo...
Field Notes In/On Transition.