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Showing posts from October, 2017

Indolent spinster weekly report #7

Indolent Spinster weekly report #7 My Ten Favourite, as in most often watched and enjoyed, horror movies.  In the order in which I thought of them, They are all of about equal value as far as my experience and enjoyment of them runs. Frankenstein & the Bride Of Frankenstein I cannot separate these two films, and for decades only ever watched them together. Very   unlike the book. Alien Easily the best Ridley Scott film, more atmosphere and real scares than 100 other   films. American Werewolf In London is for me like The Breakfast Club of Horror movies, and pretty much the only decent werewolf movie ever. Vampyr  So much art. more style in any 5 second clip than all the super hero movies you have ever seen.  Fear No Evil   silliest most on my list, the most over the top and ridiculous, terrible... awesome. The Shining Still scares the bejeezuz outta me, atmosphere and creepy af, for me this movie has aged really well. i like...

Indolent spinster weekly Report #6

This week's Indolent spinster Report has been hijacked by a poem i wrote 23 years ago, inspired by the Late great gord Downie of the Tragically Hip, my friend Andrew Davidson, and a third writer, Hugh  MacLennan, who you may also have heard of, who inspired me, andrew and Gord very much with his definition of Courage. photo of Gord from CBC COURAGE {for andrew, gord, & hugh.} lonelier than never                  within  my neck     my throat       choke words             hard             suicidally so. I am weary bleary and toothless. In every mirror          I see hopeless                soft fat breath.    And wetness. Then      somehow thick white blood re:routes         ...

Indolent Spinster Weekly Report #5

Music Talk with your  Indolent Spinster,  Josie Boyce. Thoughts towards a Trans Soundtrack for Generation X Trans Folk.  This one is just thoughts in movie form about music, the 80's, gender and me. none of it is very deep. it's just the start of a conversation. I will dig deeper in further weekly reports! I thought about narrating it, but didn't like how i was rushing it, the pace is better just reading the text, and is more what this film wanted to be. I'm just the vessel. Sometimes the vessel speaks, sometimes it just texts. Transcript: As a kid I was embarrassed but secretly over the moon about any song, movie or tv show that referenced trans-ness, in however vague or concrete. The movies were completely horrifying or campy generally, with trans characters being murderers or prostitutes or mentally ill, some combo thereof... in TV land it was more men in dresses kind of humour. Either way you had to scour v...